Category Archives: etc

nothing special, but something

News letter “purple sketches”

Since the beginning of this year, 2024, I have started using Substack to distribute a newsletter. I share updates about events and happenings around me once every week or two. Please take a look! Link

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Nakanojo Biennale 2021 / perceive トオクチカク

Link to アップル App Store (日本サイト) “perceive トオクチカク”Link to Apple App Store (English) “perceive トオクチカク” The App PRIVACY POLICY is available here. いよいよ中之条ビエンナーレ2021が、今日9/11から始まります。といっても非常事態宣言が延長された今、群馬県中之条町の展示会場は新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止のため展覧会期を変更せざるを得ない状態です。(詳しくは、こちらのページより確認してください。)そこで、ビエンナーレ事務局は、特設Webサイトを公開してオンラインで参加作家の作品を紹介しております。 The Nakanojo Biennale 2021 will finally begin on 9/11 today. However, now that the state of emergency … Continue reading

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IAM Pocket Sized

My two drawings have been showing in this juried exhibition. IAM Pocket Sized Location: Islip Art Museum Curated by Rhonda Cooper Duration: June 28 – September 13, 2015 Reception: Sunday, June 28, from 1 – 4 PM IAM Pocket … Continue reading

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Long Island Biennial 2014

My photography work will be exhibited in Long Island Biennial 2014. Date: August 16 – November 30, 2014 Hours & Direction with general info: The Long Island Biennial is a juried exhibition that offers Long Island’s contemporary artists an … Continue reading

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Happy New Year 2014

Happy New Year 2014, and 謹賀新年、平成26年。 I will update a bit more often this year, which should be easy for me because I updated only once last year. So, whatever I do will be more than last year  🙂 Hope … Continue reading

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Happy New Year 2013

Happy New Year 2013, and 謹賀新年、平成25年。 The year 2012 was a quite big turning point in my life that I can’t share with you in public yet.  It was my personal thing and not bad thing, but still I need … Continue reading

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Japanese Twitter account

Just reminder of my activity… well this is not “real” activity as a visual artist(?), but something. 日本語99%のTwitter始めました。@tkfmide でフォローしてください。I finally add another Twitter account in Japanese. I separate this from current Twitter account @takafumiide because I still feel my English … Continue reading

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20110202 memo

I supposed to update how I deinstalled my work at AC Institute. I was so exhausted not only by the deinstalling, but also the tremendous amount of snow and the shoveling… I hate snow shoveling. This week is the first … Continue reading

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